Music Production Software

Putting current music Technology to Work For You
Presented by: Robert Freeman:

1. Btvsolo Music Production Software – Best Of 2012.

Sale cost: $29.95

For details and associated video’s: Click Here! (Try Before You Buy)

A product for all the people who aspire to be music producers but don’t know where to start…

You will learn theory, beat structure, different genres types, effects, gap fills, rolling snares, bass lines, mastering, plus much more. Make your own wall pounding hip hop and electronic beats using your PC Or Mac.

You get over 100 professionally designed drum kits (loads of drums that have been used on hit records by some of the biggest artists in the world). You get over 100 premium electronic and acoustic instruments for live chords, riffing, and performances (comes loaded with drums, basses, synthesizers, string ensembles, horns, choirs, effects, and more). You get a built-in mixer for adjusting volume, panning, effects, frequency, and more. You get an onboard EFFECTS rack with over 60 effects including phasers, flangers, pitch-shifters, high pass/low pass filters, compressors, limitors, reverbs, delays, and more.

How it works:

Make your own wall pounding hip hop and electronic beats using your PC Or Mac. Named ‘Best DJ Innovation’ of 2012 by DJ Zone, The world’s largest DJ magazine. Internationally acclaimed & sold in 23 countries… and counting. Turn your Mac or PC into a studio… and produce incredible hip hop, dance, house, rap, r&B, jungle, rock, pop, and reggaeton productions using nothing other than your computer keyboard.

Audio Editing

h1This is about audio editing. So, far I have been editing pictures and creating videos and I must say that’s my forte however, as far as audio editing is concerned I have never tried my hands on in this before. Thanks to audio editing Flipped Lecture I learned something new. Though I am an amateur in this field but I am glad that I opened my doors to learn something new.

Audio editing is an amusing experience to record and edit music. I remember when I was young I used to record music but I never edited it apart from some song sequences for dance at a family function. There are some free software’s, which helps in editing audio tracks, such as Audacity, or Garageband (this is exclusive for Mac), Audio tool that is similar to Garageband it lets you create complex audio arrangements with some effects, Tunekitten Audio editor which is lightweight audio app and provide basic effect features however you cannot directly record, Reaper is another compact workstation through which you can record, edit, mix and put layers, etc. This is compatible with all the operating systems but you can use editor with Internet and it does have some cost involve post trial period is over.

Out of all the audio editors I liked Audacity, as it is excellent software for audio recording, editing, mixing and compatible with Linux, windows and Mac OS.

I would suggest before you initiate your recording project set Audacity preferences in the dialog box as this will help in ensuring the playback options are correctly set. Ideally set 44100hz and 16-bit as your sample format which is a standard frequency for CD and broadcast, I gathered this information while browsing some of the tutorials, which I believe is quite helpful tip. Audacity is very simple software to use and not at all complicated. The best thing about Audacity is it lets you record with multi track frameworks. All the tools are placed at the top, which makes it user friendly as well.


Oh I must tell you, Audacity comes with automatic crash recovery as well, so you can be assured you will never lose your work.

I have not created any tutorial nor I am showing what I experimented with Audacity rather I am providing you with some tutorial links so that you can experiment by your self and enjoy the art of audio editing. But, if you would like to try your hands on Garageband I have given link and for rest ‘GOOGLE’ :D

Audacity Tutorial 1

Audacity Tutorial 2

Basic Audacity Tips

Flipped Lecturer Tutorial

If you want to learn more about Audacity I would highly recommend book written by Carla Schroder ‘The Book of Audacity’

Garageband Tutorial for beginners

Introduction to Garageband

Happy Editing!

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Music Technology

f_01311109548_piano.jpgThe term music technology actually refers to the devices, techniques, styles, or effects which music artists use to enhance or even create a musical piece. One of the most common application of music technology is the music editing software that a lot of music artists use so that they may be able to arrange their songs easily.
Other may also use special effects which may contribute to the improvement of the song being created. A lot of musical genres such as techno use this kind of music technology in enhancing the outcome of a single music. Almost all of the techno songs nowadays are produced using computer editing software or computer-generated sounds or special effects.
This only shows that the technology itself is a broad field and is not only limited to one particular field.

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Music technology is actually a combination of two different fields namely music and technology. With this reason, it is just right that a student of someone who wants to know more about music technology itself should be knowledgeable of both music and technology.
This is to ensure that he will be able to cope with the challenges that he might encounter along the way.
If you are the type of person who knows a lot when it comes to computers and you also love music, then you should consider music technology as a viable career for you.