Audio Editing

h1This is about audio editing. So, far I have been editing pictures and creating videos and I must say that’s my forte however, as far as audio editing is concerned I have never tried my hands on in this before. Thanks to audio editing Flipped Lecture I learned something new. Though I am an amateur in this field but I am glad that I opened my doors to learn something new.

Audio editing is an amusing experience to record and edit music. I remember when I was young I used to record music but I never edited it apart from some song sequences for dance at a family function. There are some free software’s, which helps in editing audio tracks, such as Audacity, or Garageband (this is exclusive for Mac), Audio tool that is similar to Garageband it lets you create complex audio arrangements with some effects, Tunekitten Audio editor which is lightweight audio app and provide basic effect features however you cannot directly record, Reaper is another compact workstation through which you can record, edit, mix and put layers, etc. This is compatible with all the operating systems but you can use editor with Internet and it does have some cost involve post trial period is over.

Out of all the audio editors I liked Audacity, as it is excellent software for audio recording, editing, mixing and compatible with Linux, windows and Mac OS.

I would suggest before you initiate your recording project set Audacity preferences in the dialog box as this will help in ensuring the playback options are correctly set. Ideally set 44100hz and 16-bit as your sample format which is a standard frequency for CD and broadcast, I gathered this information while browsing some of the tutorials, which I believe is quite helpful tip. Audacity is very simple software to use and not at all complicated. The best thing about Audacity is it lets you record with multi track frameworks. All the tools are placed at the top, which makes it user friendly as well.


Oh I must tell you, Audacity comes with automatic crash recovery as well, so you can be assured you will never lose your work.

I have not created any tutorial nor I am showing what I experimented with Audacity rather I am providing you with some tutorial links so that you can experiment by your self and enjoy the art of audio editing. But, if you would like to try your hands on Garageband I have given link and for rest ‘GOOGLE’ :D

Audacity Tutorial 1

Audacity Tutorial 2

Basic Audacity Tips

Flipped Lecturer Tutorial

If you want to learn more about Audacity I would highly recommend book written by Carla Schroder ‘The Book of Audacity’

Garageband Tutorial for beginners

Introduction to Garageband

Happy Editing!

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French Music

f_11311074725_music-notes.jpgFrance has always been known for its taste in fine arts, especially in theatre and music. Since the days of the French intellectual revolution, music has become an integral part of the culture of France. Movies of that period were quite musical and that great tradition has been carried on till today.

Music in France the origin and Influence

Music in France has very interesting history. It has even been influenced by aboriginal music and sounds as well! Sounds weird, right? France has always been good at accepting intellectuals and culturally rich tribes and people from all over the world. Over the years, this has formed the very basic structure of French music. In case, one is really into world music, they will find some resemblance from Latin America, Asia and even African sounds in French music! That is truly a rich and diverse form of French Music.

Modern day France though has slightly shifted from the folk and classical versions of the same and has brought some pop and hip-hop French style beats into the culture.

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The film industry is recommending that indie recording musicians who want to sync license their music make more organic music. This article covers what “organic music” means and how to achieve that.Yet, the real music of France resides in the classical and folk music.

French Classical and Folk Music

Purists attribute the beginning of French classical music from the sacred tunes of the Roman Catholic Church. History has it that the world famous French opera was first identified as classical music in the year 1646 performed in Carpentras. That was also the beginning of the French Opera! The great French musicians were also adept at composing ballads and songs of love that has this classical touch in them. Though they experimented with the classical fusion music by adding some ingredients of the folk music, purists preferred to stay with the original classical form which eventually became popular throughout the world!

The 19th century in France is heralded as the romantic era in the history of French music owing to the lot of passionate and romantic films released in that period. In the later half of the 20th century, some outstanding foreign composers had a major impact on Frances romantic era and that transformed the classical romantic era of music in France like no other.

Though, there are folk musicians in modern France, they have been sidelined to the mountainous region or even Corsica. You can on request find shows in Paris that cater to the tourists when they demand some folk music. All in all, modern French music still takes inspiration from the folk tunes! The most apparent usage of folk music is seen in the techno beats where the mixers take some part of the original French folk music, add some fusion beats and come out with a very hip hop kind of tune! Western France and the island of Corsica have been the major torch bearers of folk music and dance in France.

Moving over to the French classical music again, it bears close resemblance to Indian and Japanese classical and traditional music (read: notations) respectively. It is considered to be a less followed path but a more soul stirring music and hence is renowned, the world over. French music is really something to enjoy and cherish, especially if you have grown tired of loud music!