Music Production Software

Putting current music Technology to Work For You
Presented by: Robert Freeman:

1. Btvsolo Music Production Software – Best Of 2012.

Sale cost: $29.95

For details and associated video’s: Click Here! (Try Before You Buy)

A product for all the people who aspire to be music producers but don’t know where to start…

You will learn theory, beat structure, different genres types, effects, gap fills, rolling snares, bass lines, mastering, plus much more. Make your own wall pounding hip hop and electronic beats using your PC Or Mac.

You get over 100 professionally designed drum kits (loads of drums that have been used on hit records by some of the biggest artists in the world). You get over 100 premium electronic and acoustic instruments for live chords, riffing, and performances (comes loaded with drums, basses, synthesizers, string ensembles, horns, choirs, effects, and more). You get a built-in mixer for adjusting volume, panning, effects, frequency, and more. You get an onboard EFFECTS rack with over 60 effects including phasers, flangers, pitch-shifters, high pass/low pass filters, compressors, limitors, reverbs, delays, and more.

How it works:

Make your own wall pounding hip hop and electronic beats using your PC Or Mac. Named ‘Best DJ Innovation’ of 2012 by DJ Zone, The world’s largest DJ magazine. Internationally acclaimed & sold in 23 countries… and counting. Turn your Mac or PC into a studio… and produce incredible hip hop, dance, house, rap, r&B, jungle, rock, pop, and reggaeton productions using nothing other than your computer keyboard.

Beat Making Software


2. Dr.Drum digital beat making software

We’ve cracked the code on how to make top-shelf beats on the fly with just your computer (PC or Mac)….


Sale cost: $29.95
For details and associated video’s: Click Here!

When you go clubbing, do you ever wonder how the DJ was able to lay down those tracks? Did you ever wish you could create the beats that make everyone want to get out and jam?

You’ll be able to create unique bangers that’ll rival all the greats who use professional studios… You can lay down your beats and samples in a matter of minutes and be the DJ that everyone wants!
This is your chance to sound HOTTTTT! and bust out the beats and the Best part is It doesn’t matter if you’ve never created a beat before in your life…Even if you’ve never touched a sequencer or mixing board before…

A lot of people out there get suckered by software that claims to help you build up the beats, but instead leaves you cold. The truth is that most beat-making software is lame. They won’t let you build out the nasty beats you want because:

How it works:

1. They use MP3s for their samples.

That’s bad, because MP3s are compressed files, they are NOT professional quality. Then, when you export them they get compressed again which lowers the quality even more!This leaves you with a master track that is double compressed and well below industry standard.
If you try to play them in a club or sell them to a producer you’ll get laughed at, because they’ll sound like a little kid made them off a 1970s cassette tape.

2. They don’t give you enough samples. If you just get a few dozen MP3s to play with, you won’t be making a good beat anytime soon.

3. The sample production values are as low as you can go Its scraped together from amateur wannabe musicians which make your beats sound like they were made on a phone keypad.

4. Far too technical and complicated! Most of them are so technical that nobody is ever going to understand it! Lucky for you, Dr Drum is completely intuitive and anyone can learn how to master it in a few hours. In other words, other beat-making software is just child’s play!

Don’t fall for that crap. Dr Drum is the real deal. You’ll be exporting professional, club quality tracks the same day you install it on your computer


For details and associated video’s: Click Here!

The Perfect Piece of Gear to Achieve the “Perfect” Mix

There you are, halfway through your latest mix, when you see it. An interview with Johnny Mixerguy endorsing the SuperRadLowEnderizer 2001x. Holy balls, this piece of gear (comes in plugin form, too) is an absolute game changer. Nothing will be the same after this. You simply can’t get as big and tight of a
low end
without it. Years of research and expertise went into making it and your mix simply can’t compete if the SRLE2001x isn’t a part of your signal chain.

High-handed-hogwash, I declare! Listen, gear is great. I love gear, you love gear. Any mix engineer who is worth his salt salivates like it’s Christmas morning and Santa has been good this year when he gets a new piece of gear. But the simple fact is: you don’t need that fancy piece of gear for a bad-ass mix.

If you give a good mixer a DAW, one compressor plugin, one EQ plugin, and maybe throw a distortion plugin his way just for fun; he can create a great mix. Anything above that is just icing on an already delicious cake.

I challenge you to take on the “No More New Gear” policy for 6 months to a year. Whatever mixing set-up you have right now; stick with it and only it. Learn it through and through. Get good at limiting yourself and thereby getting creative with the tools you already have and end the constant drooling over what you don’t have. Stop looking at ads for the latest and greatest earth shattering toys and start exploring the inner workings of what you already have. Because you know what? You don’t need the new gear.

Also, get at good at not making excuses for your mixes. Never, ever, ever say “Well, my mix would be just as good as Johnny Mixerguy’s if only I had…or if only my tracks were recorded with…”

No more. Even if your tracks were recorded into an original 16-bit ADAT using all SM-57′s, don’t let that become an excuse. The moment you start allowing excuses to make up for your mix’s weakness is the moment you stop busting balls to make your mix better.

It’s an excruciating process. You will always feel like you’re not good enough at mixing, like you’ll never get to the level you want for yourself. Feeling insecure about your mixes? Guess what…the rest of us all feel that way, too.

But that’s part of the process of getting good. Make no excuses except that you need to work harder and more often at perfecting your craft. I guarantee you that, if you stick it, you will achieve the level you want. (And THEN you can buy the SuperRadLowEnderizer 2001x)

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jeffromixesyou is an author and recording artist with years of experience working in studios. His passion is helping new artists get started on the path to music success. He operates Check out the site for tons of great information on setting up your own music studio.

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Audio Editing

This is about audio editing. So, far I have been editing pictures and creating videos and I must say that’s my forte however, as far as audio editing is concerned I have never tried my hands on in this before. Thanks to audio editing Flipped Lecture I learned something new. Though I am an amateur in this field but I am glad that I opened my doors to learn something new.

Audio editing is an amusing experience to record and edit music. I remember when I was young I used to record music but I never edited it apart from some song sequences for dance at a family function. There are some free software’s, which helps in editing audio tracks, such as Audacity, or Garageband (this is exclusive for Mac), Audio tool that is similar to Garageband it lets you create complex audio arrangements with some effects, Tunekitten Audio editor which is lightweight audio app and provide basic effect features however you cannot directly record, Reaper is another compact workstation through which you can record, edit, mix and put layers, etc. This is compatible with all the operating systems but you can use editor with Internet and it does have some cost involve post trial period is over.

Out of all the audio editors I liked Audacity, as it is excellent software for audio recording, editing, mixing and compatible with Linux, windows and Mac OS.

I would suggest before you initiate your recording project set Audacity preferences in the dialog box as this will help in ensuring the playback options are correctly set. Ideally set 44100hz and 16-bit as your sample format which is a standard frequency for CD and broadcast, I gathered this information while browsing some of the tutorials, which I believe is quite helpful tip. Audacity is very simple software to use and not at all complicated. The best thing about Audacity is it lets you record with multi track frameworks. All the tools are placed at the top, which makes it user friendly as well.


Oh I must tell you, Audacity comes with automatic crash recovery as well, so you can be assured you will never lose your work.

I have not created any tutorial nor I am showing what I experimented with Audacity rather I am providing you with some tutorial links so that you can experiment by your self and enjoy the art of audio editing. But, if you would like to try your hands on Garageband I have given link and for rest ‘GOOGLE’ :D

Audacity Tutorial 1

Audacity Tutorial 2

Basic Audacity Tips

Flipped Lecturer Tutorial

If you want to learn more about Audacity I would highly recommend book written by Carla Schroder ‘The Book of Audacity’

Garageband Tutorial for beginners

Introduction to Garageband

Happy Editing!

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